DBX2 Digital Barograph Screen Details
Overview (screens below)
- Forecast screen with several indicators
- 24 hour forecast based on graph analysis
- Gust front detection which often indicates a possible thunderstorm
- Chance of precipitation based on graph analysis
- Wind speed meter based on barometric conditions
- (fi) Forecast Index Meter – excellent for gauging current conditions
- Day graph shows high and low pressure with full decimal display
- Week graph shows high and low pressure with full decimal display
- “1 hr change” on the (1) day graph with full decimal display
- “4 hr change” on the (1) week graph with full decimal display
- Sea stats shows record highs and lows with full decimal display
- Sea stats shows pressure differences with full decimal display

Displays large Pressure reading and is updated every second. Shows current mode, current trend, current rate of change, current pressure format, current pressure indicator arrow, alerts and warnings, and current state of speaker.

Forecast, Forecast Index (FI), Chance of Precipitation and Wind Warnings are based on multiple variables, including active graph analysis, current pressure range and rate of pressure change. The FI is an easy way to observe how the current weather is changing.

The one day graph is a valuable tool in predicting future weather trends. The graph makes it easy to visualize which way the pressure is moving. And just as important is the Included 24 hour High and low pressure along with the 1 hour change.

The one week graph is also a valuable tool in predicting future weather trends. The graph makes it easy to see when the last low pressure or high pressure system past. Included again is the one week High and low pressure along with the 4 hour change.

The Sea Stats record screen shows the high and low pressure along with the differences for each: Day, Week and all time record. The record high and low pressure can be reset at any time.
The DBX2 can lock on to any screen or can auto-sequence through each screen every 7 seconds. The 1st screen shows the current pressure information. The 2nd screen shows the 1 day graph. The 3rd screen shows a 1 week graph. The 4th screen shows the current forecast and Forecast Index. The 5th screen shows record high and low pressures. The 6th screen shows all units of pressures at once. The 7th screen shows current settings and the 8th screen shows unit information.

DBX2 Weather Forecast Sample Graphs and Interpretations

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