DBX2 Digital Barograph Specifications

The DBX2 Barograph can sense a change in atmospheric pressure in a mere 12 inches of elevation change. You can actually demonstrate this by lifting the DBX2 and watching the pressure drop as its elevation increases. And as the unit accumulates pressure data it can make accurate weather forecasts and predictions. It can also warn of high wind conditions or storm watches and warnings. The DBX1 will alert both visually and audibly on rapid pressure changes.

Durable and Weather Proof

The DBX2 Barograph is constructed of aircraft grade anodized aluminum, which is precision cnc milled. The case itself is impervious to weather. The DBX2 Barograph System Sensor Board (SSB) is coated for protection against moderate humidity. The DBX2 Barograph has 5 buttons that control the setup and function of the unit.

NIST Traceable Units

All units are NIST tested. The NIST testing range is from 26.00 – 31.00 inhg, 880 – 1050mb/hPa and 660 – 787mmhg. Each unit is provided with a NIST Traceable Certificate that is shipped with the DBX2. SAMPLE NIST TEST

DBX2 Barograph Advantages over Mechanical Aneroid barographs

If you have ever checked the price of a Aneroid barograph you know it can set you back over $1,000.00. The user is required to buy charts and pens. The user must change the paper chart once a week. Its hard for the user to see the actual reading. Aneroid barographs generally only operate below an elevation of 2500ft. Units need calibration over time. And Aneroid cells need to be replaced over time. These units are not sea worthy and can not be used on marine crafts.

DBX2 Barograph Advantages Over Mechanical Aneroid Barometers

Standard Aneroid barometers only show the current reading. Its hard to track pressure changes on a standard barometer. The user has to constantly set the barometer marking needle. Its hard to detect small changes in pressure movement. Aneroid barometer cells lose accuracy over time. Aneroid barometer have elevation limitations.


Barograph Pressure Sensor

Bosch high precision sensor with onboard temperature. Sensor range: 150 – 1150 mb/hPa., 4.43 – 33.96 inhg. Settable application range 406 – 1134 mb/hPa., 12.00 – 33.50 inhg. The actual intended application range is from 26.00 – 31.00 inhg, 880 – 1050mb/hPa and 660 – 787mmhg.

Barograph Accuracy ±0.25 mb/hPa. and ±0.007 inhg. NIST testing range is from 26.00 – 31.00 inhg, 880 – 1050mb/hPa and 660 – 787mmhg. Accuracy may vary outside this range.
Barograph Sensitivity 0.100 mb/hPa. and 0.003 inhg.
Barograph Display Resolution 0.001 inhg. and 0.01 mb/hPa.
Pressure Formats
MB, inHg, mmHg, PSI, h20, atm, pas.

Barograph operates at altitudes up to 12,000 ft / 3658 meters.

Risc processor running @ 16 mhz. 32K Flash memory. Upgradeable Firmware. Built-in 6 pin “ISP” in-system programming.
Barograph Display
126×64 Graphics LCD display Blue. User adjustable contrast control. Backlight ON/OFF control.
Barograph Display Information
Current Pressure, 1 Day high and low pressure, 7 Day high
and low pressure, Tendency, Warning messages and rate of rise
and fall.
Barograph Display Graphing
1 Day barograph and 7 Day barograph.
Barograph Controls
5 Control buttons with multiple functions, LED backlight control, LED, DISPLAY, UNIT, MODE, AND MENU BUTTONS. Contrast control. Sound on/off control. Set Threshold, User setting, Ability to Clear warning messages
Audible Barograph alert at 85db with on/off control. Automatic audible alert on large drop detect with warning messages. User settable drop threshold alert. For example, a user could set an audible alert if the pressure falls below 29.60 inhg.
Barograph Power
Includes one A/C power adapter with 9v output and 2.1mm female connector. Can handle up to 15.0v. Power Adapters available for U.K., Europe & Australia.
Operating Temperature
39.0 F to 100.0 F (3.9 C to 37.7 C)
Standard Barograph Case
Extruded anodized aluminum case.
Standard Barograph Dimensions
5.0″ x 4.0″ x 1.2″ (120mm x 78mm x 43mm)
Standard Barograph Weight
10 oz. (284 grams)

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